Vol. 4, No. 1, 1998 Page 3


"One... negative environmental influence on neurochemistry may be poor nutrition. Diets low in or otherwise blocking the uptake of tryptophan or tyrosine (the precursors of serotonin and norepinephrine, respectively) have been found to lower the levels of these transmitters in the brain. In addition, even when returned to a normal diet, brain serotonin levels are never fully compensated. Poor nutrition possibly occurring in individuals of lower socioeconomic status, including dietary care during pregnancy, may very well influence neurotransmitter levels throughout life."
Adrian Raine, Ph.D., in
The Psychopathology of Crime,

"For the past forty years the mainstream medical establishment has denied the connection between nutrition and physical disease states. The mental health establishment has followed suit, with orthodox psychiatry and psychology contending that nutrition has no bearing on mental conditions. Yet the reality is that an objective review of mainstream scientific literature reveals the following: for virtually every major mental illness, quality studies exist showing that there are significant nutritional influences."
Gary Null, Ph.D., and Martin Feldman, M.D., in
"Nutrition and Mental Illness:
Sampling of the Current Scientific Literature,"

Townsend Letter, No. 148, 1996

"I do not have the slightest doubt that, if we improved the nutritional status of delinquents and prisoners, things would get better. How much better is hard to say."
Morris Lipton, M.D., Ph.D., discussant on "Nutrition and Criminal
Behavior" at an American Society of Criminology annual meeting.
Dr. Lipton was chair of the National Science Foundation's first
national conference on diet and behavior in 1980, and was
co-director of the American Medical Association's Resource
Conference Task Force on "Diet and Behavior" in 1984

"Nutrition research surveys in the last two decades have shown that Americans are eating anything but balanced diets, and also uncovered three startling facts. One, there is clear-cut malnutrition in America among certain groups. Two, there are widespread deficiencies in several nutrients among the population at large. And three, these deficiencies are affecting our health, disease resistance, and performance-including school behavior and achievement."
Joseph D. Beasley, M.D., in The Betrayal of Health, 1991

"You can't run a Cadillac on kerosene."
Hugh Powers, M.D., on the effects of poor diet
on behavior and cognition

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