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Most current efforts to fight crime focus on sociological approaches: counseling and rehabilitation for offenders, tougher laws intended to discourage criminal acts, and better parenting and better education to prevent at-risk children from becoming delinquents and criminals.

These well-intentioned approaches have one thing in common: they frequently fail. Why? Because they fail to acknowledge that many criminals suffer from brain malfunctions which prevent them from benefiting from sociological or psychological interventions. Research shows that chronic offenders exhibit brain dysfunction leading to extreme "dyslogic." Many exhibit a lack of insight and foresight, a lack of empathy for animals and people, a low anger threshold, poor abstract thinking and social skills, a lack of fear and remorse, impulsivity, and an inability to realize the consequences of their actions or to learn from experience.

The more we learn about the brain dysfunction that underlies much delinquency and criminality, the more successful we will be in truly rehabilitating offenders, and preventing "at risk" children from turning to lives of crime. The purpose of Crime Times is to foster this effort by reporting state-of-the-art worldwide research on the causes and treatment of aberrant behavior. Topics addressed by Crime Times include:

There is much to report, for we are all living in "crime times" but we are also living in a time of hope, when medical and scientific discoveries offer us powerful new tools to effectively prevent or treat the true causes of aberrant, delinquent, and criminal behavior.

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Crime Times is published quarterly by the
Wacker Foundation, a non-profit organization.
Editor: A.K. Blake
Address: Dept. 132, 1106 N. Gilbert Rd., Suite 2
Mesa, AZ 85203